During their “Love to Read” campaign, the Robin Hood Foundation team visited 26 creches in the local area, but one stood out.
That was Siyanda Creche in Ntshongweni, run by Queen Khuzwayo and her passionate team of young teachers. The creche accommodates 20 children and provides two meals a day. The need in the community for this service is great, but current facilities do not allow for any additional children. “The creche is in desperate need of a structural build, as well as safety and educational elements, and proper ablution facilities for the children,” says Kim Griffith Jones of the Robin Hood Foundation. “We are calling on our supporters to help make this a reality.”
The vision is to create a sustainable development, which will provide solid foundational learning and, thereby, effect lasting change in the community. Giving the children in this community a good educational start in life will go a long way to help them make a meaningful contribution to society in the future.
To find out how you can help, email Kim at info@robinhoodfoundation.co.za