Taking care of your skin is just as important as eating a well-balanced diet and getting enough sleep.
Treating yourself to a regular facial most certainly benefits your skin in so many ways, promoting noticeable improvements to skin tone, texture and appearance. They also help with improving circulation and collagen production.
It’s important that we take care of our skin as it’s the first line of defence against bacteria and other illnesses, so it’s definitely important to ensure you look after your skin.
The head spa therapist at Granny Mouse Country House & Spa offers this list of important benefits of having a facial:
- Reduces stress and relieves psychological distress. A good facial massage activates your nervous system, reduces anxiety levels and lifts your mood.
- By cleansing, you understand your skin type and what it needs to stay in good shape.
- Preventing aging is another benefit. Regular facials and face massages boost cell regeneration and promote collagen development, making you look younger and healthier by improving blood circulation and providing your cells with oxygen and nutrients.
- As we get older our skin loses its elasticity, which is normal, and depending on your lifestyle, it’s really hard to fix. Facials help by rejuvenating the skin, especially when the right products and technology are used.
- If you have a facial regularly, there is an increase in your skin’s ability to absorb the products you use more effectively.
- If you suffer from sensitive skin, facial treatments help to restore the epidermal barrier and in turn restore, replenish and rejuvenate your skin.
- Last but not least, you feel good. There is nothing quite like the feeling of knowing that you are healthy and putting your best face forward, as well as being able to radiate confidence, making you feel fantastic.