The Botanical Society of South Africa KZN Coastal Branch presents a talk on “Insects are everywhere …or are they?”
“Why do we harm nature? Because we are ignorant.” (P Cafaro) The better we know something, the more we appreciate it. The more we appreciate it, the more we want to protect it, preserve it. Well over half of all known life forms are insects. They live all around us and they are infinitely fascinating. Most people have no idea how much we owe them.
This talk will introduce some truly amazing insects and illustrate the key role they play in nature and the book will be for sale. Talk and book are aimed at all ages.
Date: Sunday, 12 February 2017 at 3.00 p.m.
Venue: Durban Botanic Gardens Visitors Centre, John Zikhali Rd (formerly Sydenham Rd), Durban
Entrance: Including refreshments is R40 for members of BotSoc and the Friends of Durban Botanic Gardens and R60 for non-members; students with cards R30. Please pay at the door. Proceeds go to BotSoc branch projects.
No need to book. Enquiries: email: / tel: 031 201 5111/ cell: 071 869 3693