Miss Earth SA is anything but a pageant, it’s so much more. It is a leadership programme where young women are equipped to teach communities about our environment and the importance of preserving and protecting it as well as everyone depending on it.
Melissa Schreiber considers herself an eco-warrior, animal activist and daughter of God. Born, raised and still living in the small town of Drummond, KwaZulu-Natal, she strives to make a difference in our world that can often be perceived as broken. “I want to teach people that if you just have courage and be kind it can make an incredible difference.”
Currently a Miss Earth SA regional finalist, Melissa has been nominated as an ambassador for Under an African Sky, a voluntary organisation started by Compass Medical Waste Services. Under an African Sky (UAAS) produces a wildlife calendar with all proceeds going to CROW to help with the rescue, release and rehabilitation of orphaned and injured wild animals in KwaZulu-Natal. Over the past five years, UAAS has raised R920 000 for CROW and the 3 000 animals they service on an annual basis.
“I am thrilled to be associated with Under an African Sky and their small group of volunteers who dedicate their passion and skills to alleviate animal suffering in the best way they can,’’ explains Melissa.
The launch of the 2017 ‘Reflections of Africa’ calendar takes place on Thursday, 28 July at CROW and the stunning wall and desk calendar will be available to the public from the 15 August. For more information visit their Facebook page – UnderAnAfricanSky.
Under an African Sky, Compass and CROW wish Melissa all the best with her pageant initiatives. For the month of July she is collecting dog food and blankets for the KZN Valley Dogs. For more information please email her at melissaschreibs@gmail.com.
“One tree can start a forest, one life can make a difference, be that one today.” – BJ Gallagher