Orchids, Staghorns, Cycads, Succulents, Palm Trees, Bonsai, Tillandsias, Heliconias, Nepenthes and Aloes – just to name a few – will be on display and for sale at the Fairway Orchid and Rare Plant Fair to be held at 118 Fairway, Durban North on Saturday 6 August.
The Natal Orchid Society will also be showing some beautiful orchids which are in flower at the moment and the public can view them throughout the day. Members of the Society will be available to help with the application process should anyone wish to join.
“Understanding the natural conditions in which the orchid grows, is critical to understanding what the orchid needs for its care,” says Melanie van Greunen, organizer of the second Fair of its kind.
“There will be potting and mounting demonstrations held throughout the day – and experts at hand – to help dispel some of the myths surrounding owning this exotic plant. These demonstrations were very well-attended last year with a vast amount of information shared on how to tend and look after the orchids.”
Each vendor will have plants for sale and beautiful specimens will also be given away as prizes in raffles throughout the day.
A tea garden will be open all day serving coffee, tea and cake and light lunches.
“This event is for young and old; for all plant enthusiasts to enjoy a relaxed day in a beautiful setting,” Melanie adds. “The venue is also wheelchair-friendly.”
The Fair is open to the public from 9am until 4pm. Entrance fee is R15 per person. Children under 12 are free.
For further information contact Melanie van Greunen on 083 456 0178 or 031 563 7102