Held at Beachwood Mangroves Nature Reserve on the northern side of the Mgeni River mouth (across the River from Blue Lagoon), we look forward to hosting this event after a three-year break.
We have a selection of local nurseries that have been tending to an array of indigenous plants in anticipation of this year’s Fair. This large selection is offered to you at excellent prices, and your involvement supports our BotSoc plant conservation projects.
By planting native plants and trees in your space, you can help to join little corridors of life together, for pollinators and other critters to move through. And in so doing, you’re supporting Mother Earth’s natural processes. Don’t miss this chance to choose those indigenous plants that will create a garden, balcony or flower box that’s quite simply humming with life.
Experts will be on hand to assist. Informative books, Indigenous Gardening Handbooks, and posters of Plants to Attract Birds, Bees or Butterflies will be for sale. 2022 Trees of the Year will be available. North Durban Honorary Officers from Ezemvelo KZN Wildlife will lead guided walks through the mangroves. Wildlife and conservation exhibitors will have information tables. Food and refreshments for sale will complete the experience.
- 3 and 4 September 2022, from 09:00 to 16:00 both days
- Entrance is R10 for adults and R5 for children
- Access and secure parking is off Riverside Road, Durban North
For more information, please see www.indigenousplantfair.org.za for updates or email: botsoc-kzn@mweb.co.za.