Husband and wife team Pete and Estelle Cocorozis are taking Durban North by storm with their food and fashion “triangle”. They spoke to Debbie Reynolds
It all really started with the arrival of Isabella, the couple’s first child in October 2007. Until then their life had consisted of flat-out hard work and partying largely because of Pete being involved in the restaurant and night club business.
“Having a child meant adjusting our lifestyle and re-thinking our careers,” said Pete, who can lay claim to a string of successes including Luna Blu, Sky Bar, Zeta Bar, Zuccini, Mezze and Monkey Bar.
At the time, however, he owned the popular Panama Lounge which he subsequently sold, while Estelle took time out from her rather stressful career in the rag trade.
But, having adapted to parenthood, both felt the urge to “get out there” and pick up the pace just a little. With many loyal customers still lamenting the sale of Pete’s Scoozi! restaurant back in the 90s, the couple had casually toyed with the idea of re-opening.
While driving down Mackeurtan Avenue, Pete spotted a “To Let” sign outside the pet shop at number 17c Kensington Village. On closer inspection, he realised it made a perfect site for the popular Italian trattoria.
Being a frustrated architect and interior designer, Pete piled in to give the premises his trademark laid-back contemporary signature. Scoozi! now attracts a new crowd from the northern suburbs as well as the “old regulars” from the restaurant’s Berea days.
Estelle, meanwhile, had her sights set on opening a boutique catering for “real” women, who weren’t comfortable wearing garments aimed at the string-bean 20-something market.
“After being in the clothing business in Durban for 16 years, I still battled to shop here because of the lack of variety – especially for the so-called more ‘mature’ woman,” said Estelle. “I could shop like there was no tomorrow in Cape Town and Jo’burg, so I thought why not transport that experience here.”
She especially had Durban North in mind considering there were no really decent clothing stores in the area. The next step was to find premises. “I managed to get the pharmacy across the road from Scoozi! to relinquish some of its space,” she says.
Bella offers a constantly changing selection of designer and off-the-peg garments and accessories from Errol Arendz, Black Coffee and Robot to local labels Kathrin Kidger and Leigh Schubert. It also stocks well-known American brand Apple Bottom jeans which are perfect for average South African hips.
“The response has been phenomenal,” says Estelle. “Friends and family have been incredibly supportive, but the store has also attracted people from all over Durban.”
And with Bella striking such a harmonious chord, it didn’t take long before the couple spotted another opportunity just two doors down. The empty premises were snapped up by Pete for the launch of his fledgling Gourmet Burger Company. With his usual chutzpah, he turned the economic downturn to his advantage by opening a casual restaurant offering simplicity and value for money.
After adding a deck for al-fresco dining and re-styling the interior in earthy greens and browns, he officially opened GBC with partner Greg Hean on July 6 last year.
“The emphasis here is on fresh ingredients, organic produce, grain-fed cattle and recycling with environmentally-friendly packaging,” he said. “We’re open seven days a week from 7am till late and we promise proper breakfasts and proper burgers.”
While they’ve got their hands full for the moment, don’t be surprised if the Cocorozis start juggling a few more balls in the future.
Useful contacts: Bella 031 563 5407, Gourmet Burger Company 031 563 5546, Scoozi! 031 563 4444
1 Comment
i would like to enquire on the Apple bottom clothing range